our team

michaël smulders


Michaël Smulders graduated from dental school at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) in 1986 and worked in Basel, Switzerland for three years.
In 1990 he started his practice at the Groot Hertoginnelaan in the building from 1898 where his practice is located ever since.
After leaving dental school Michaël Smulders was convinced about the advantage of magnification in dentistry resulting in the use of an operating microscope for the majority of the treatments since 2004.
Since 2010 Michaël Smulders is co-founder of the education centre CIDE (www.cide.nl) where dentists have the possibility to be trained and educated.

olga de jonge-klyuchenko

oral/dental hygienist

Olga de Jonge graduated in 2009 as a oral/dental hygienist in Utrecht. Since then Olga works on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in our office.

miranda ebben-groen

qualified dental nurse

Miranda Ebben has joined our team in 1999. She has over 22 years of experience. 

susanne smulders-berger

office manager

Susanne Smulders is working with us since 1996.

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Om de verspreiding van het Corona virus te beperken en de snelheid van de verspreiding te vertragen zijn draconische maatregelen noodzakelijk. Daarom zal de praktijk t/m 28 april gesloten zijn. Alleen voor spoedeisende behandeling kunt u contact opnemen met de praktijk, bij voorkeur via de mail. Deze maatregel zal wellicht voor ongemak zorgen, waarvoor mijn excuus. Ik wens eenieder veel wijsheid en sterkte!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Michaël Smulders